

ALU base instructions

All AL base instructions, including comparative and multiplication instructions, have ARM base instruction codes of 0, 1, 2, or 3. These codes specify the format and grouping of the AL instruction, as follows:

Value Group of instructions specified
0 Group I (ADC, ADD, AND, EOR, RSB, RSC, SBC and SUB) with 2 source registers; or (if bit 7 is 1) Group III (MUL, with 2 source registers, and MLA, with 3 source registers)
1 Group II (BIC, CMN, CMP, MOV, MVN, ORR, TEQ and TST) with only source registers
2 Group I (ADC, ADD, AND, EOR, RSB, RSC, SBC and SUB) with 1 source register and an immediate constant
3 Group II (BIC, CMN, CMP, MOV, MVN, ORR, TEQ and TST) with an immediate constant

Group I instructions are specified by the following subinstruction codes (encoded in the top three bits of the sixth nybble):

Value Base instruction mnemonic
0 AND (AL2)
1 EOR (AL2)
2 SUB (AL2)
3 RSB (AL2)
4 ADD (AL2)
5 ADC (AL2)
6 SBC (AL2)
7 RSC (AL2)

Group II instructions are specified by the following subinstruction codes (encoded in the top three bits of the sixth nybble):

Value Base instruction mnemonic
0 TST (CT)
1 TEQ (CT)
2 CMP (CT)
3 CMN (CT)
4 ORR (AL2)
5 MOV (AL1)
6 BIC (AL2)
7 MVN (AL1)

Group III instructions are specified by the following subinstruction codes (encoded in the top three bits of the sixth nybble):

Value Base instruction mnemonic
Maintained by Kade Hansson; e-mail: archer@kasoft.info; Updated on 30 December 1993; XHTML 1.0 Transitional.